About the St Mary's Street Thistle Design
There is a hidden garden at the pegs creative workspace on St Mary's Street where thistles grow! In the summer, the marsh thistle grows and in the spring this year (2024) a coastal thistle appeared in the garden.
My family and I all spend time in the garden. Each of us notices different flowers and relates to it in different ways. This thistle was hard to miss. It was about 2 feet tall with purple, pink and green on it's head as it flowered. Learn more about Thistles here.
Since we started working at the pegs, we have all become inspired by the old town to be creative, and we hope to create unique gifts that reflect our Edinburgh lives.
Everyone was excited to see the giant, pinky thistle, and my stepfather and I both took great photographs of it. My photograph made it into our So_Scottish collection, and it's the photograph that you see on the cushion.
It's a beautiful Scottish design, inspired by our everyday lives in Edinburgh.
Product Description
A snugly and warm cushion. It's perfect for armchairs, chaises and loveseats. It creates a pop of colour. Not only that, but it works well against green and red.